verb (present participle)/nounভ্রমণ, ভ্রমণরত, চলন্ত
From 'travel' + '-ing'
(Verb, present participle) The act of going from one place to another, typically over a distance.
(Verb, present participle) one place থেকে another তে going এর act, typically একটি distance over।
Movement, journey(Noun) The activity of traveling; journeys made.
(Noun) traveling এর activity; made journeys।
Activity, tourism(Adjective) Engaged in travel.
(Adjective) travel এ Engaged।
State of motionShe is traveling to Europe next month.
She next month Europe traveling করছে।
Traveling broadens your mind.
Traveling আপনার mind broadens করে।
Traveling salesman are becoming less common.
Traveling salesman less common becoming হচ্ছে।
Word Forms
Base Form
will travel
Common Mistakes
Confusing 'traveling' with 'travelling' in spelling.
Both spellings are correct, but 'traveling' is standard in American English, and 'travelling' in British English. Choose spelling based on intended audience.
Spelling এ 'traveling' কে 'travelling' এর সাথে confusing করা। Both spellings correct, তবে 'traveling' American English এ standard, এবং 'travelling' British English এ। Intended audience based spelling choose করুন।
Using 'traveling' only for leisure trips.
'Traveling' encompasses all forms of going from one place to another, including business trips, commuting, and any form of journey, not just vacations.
শুধুমাত্র leisure trips এর জন্য 'traveling' ব্যবহার করা। 'Traveling' one place থেকে another তে going এর all forms encompasses করে, including business trips, commuting, এবং any form of journey, not just vacations।
AI Suggestions
- Travel destinations ভ্রমণ গন্তব্য
- Travel tips ভ্রমণ টিপস
- Travel photography ভ্রমণ ফটোগ্রাফি
- Sustainable travel টেকসই ভ্রমণ
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Traveling abroad বিদেশে ভ্রমণ
- Traveling light হালকা ভ্রমণ
- Traveling expenses ভ্রমণ খরচ
- Business traveling ব্যবসা ভ্রমণ
- Traveling exhibition ভ্রমণ প্রদর্শনী
Usage Notes
- Spelling varies: 'traveling' (American English) and 'travelling' (British English). Spelling varies: 'traveling' (American English) এবং 'travelling' (British English)।
- Can refer to short trips or long journeys, for leisure or business. Leisure বা business এর জন্য short trips বা long journeys উল্লেখ করতে পারে।
Word Category
journey, movement, tourism, activity, motion যাত্রা, চলাচল, পর্যটন, কার্যকলাপ, গতি
- Journeying যাত্রা করা
- Touring ভ্রমণ করা
- Voyaging সমুদ্রযাত্রা করা
- Exploring অনুসন্ধান করা
- Wandering ঘুরে বেড়ানো
- Staying থাকা
- Settling বসতি স্থাপন করা
- Immobile অচল
- Stationary স্থির
- Homebound বাড়িমুখী
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
The world একটি book এবং those who do not travel only one page read করে।
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
Travel হল only thing you buy that makes you richer।