Outreach Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



আউটরিচ, প্রচার, বিস্তার



From 'out-' + 'reach'

More Translation

(Noun) The extent or range of something; the act of extending services or assistance to a wider population.

(Noun) something এর extent বা range; wider population তে assistance বা services extending এর act।

Community service, communication

(Noun) Organized efforts to connect with a particular group or community.

(Noun) particular group বা community with connect করতে Organized efforts।

Community engagement, programs

(Adjective) Relating to or denoting the provision of services or information to people in need.

(Adjective) need এ people তে information বা services এর provision denoting বা Relating to।

Service provision, support

The church has a strong community outreach program.

Church এর একটি strong community outreach program আছে।

Their outreach extends to several rural villages.

Their outreach several rural villages তে extends।

Outreach workers provide support to the homeless.

Outreach workers homeless দের support provide করে।

Word Forms

Base Form



outreach (less common as verb)


outreach (attributive adjective)

Common Mistakes

Using 'outreach' only in a non-profit context.

While often associated with non-profits, 'outreach' is also used in business, marketing, and government to describe efforts to connect with and serve customers, citizens, or specific demographics. It's about extending reach beyond the usual scope.

শুধুমাত্র non-profit context এ 'outreach' ব্যবহার করা। Often non-profits with associated হলেও, 'outreach' also business, marketing, এবং government এ used to customers, citizens, বা specific demographics serve এবং with connect efforts describe করতে। It's usual scope beyond reach extending about।

Confusing 'outreach' with 'advertising'.

'Outreach' is about providing service, support, or information, often to those in need or underserved. 'Advertising' is primarily about promoting products or services for sales. Outreach is service-oriented; advertising is sales-oriented.

'Outreach' কে 'advertising' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Outreach' service providing about, support, বা information, often need বা underserved those to। 'Advertising' primarily sales এর জন্য products বা services promoting about। Outreach service-oriented; advertising sales-oriented।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • Community outreach সম্প্রদায় আউটরিচ
  • Public outreach গণ আউটরিচ
  • Educational outreach শিক্ষামূলক আউটরিচ
  • Global outreach গ্লোবাল আউটরিচ
  • Outreach program আউটরিচ প্রোগ্রাম

Usage Notes

  • Often used in the context of non-profit organizations, government programs, and community services. Often non-profit organizations, government programs, এবং community services এর context এ used হয়।
  • Implies an effort to reach people who might not otherwise be reached. Otherwise reached না হতে পারে people reach করতে একটি effort implies করে।

Word Category

communication, community, service, connection, support, program যোগাযোগ, সম্প্রদায়, সেবা, সংযোগ, সমর্থন, প্রোগ্রাম



Sounds like

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.

- Charles Dickens

No one is useless this world এ who another of burdens lightens।

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Yourself find করতে best way হল others of service in yourself lose করা।