Dual Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



দ্বৈত, দ্বিগুণ



From Late Latin 'dualis', from Latin 'duo' (two).

More Translation

Consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects.

দুটি parts, elements, বা aspects নিয়ে consisting।

General Use, Composition

Having two of something.

কোনো কিছুর দুটি থাকা।

Quantity, Number

Involving two.

দুটি involve করে।

Relationship, Interaction

The system has a dual function.

System টির একটি dual function আছে।

They have dual citizenship.

তাদের dual citizenship আছে।

The project has dual leadership.

Project টির dual leadership আছে।

Word Forms

Base Form






Common Mistakes

Misspelling as 'Duel' or 'Duall'.

The correct spelling is 'dual' with 'ua' in the middle and 'l' at the end.

ভুল বানান 'Duel' বা 'Duall'। সঠিক বানানটি হল 'dual' মাঝে 'ua' এবং শেষে 'l' সহ।

Using 'double' and 'dual' interchangeably without nuance.

'Dual' specifically implies two components forming a single entity or concept. 'Double' can mean twice as much or two of something separate.

Nuance ছাড়া 'double' এবং 'dual' interchangeably ব্যবহার করা। 'Dual' বিশেষভাবে দুটি components একটি single entity বা concept forming imply করে। 'Double' twice as much বা two of something separate meaning হতে পারে।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 6 out of 10


  • Dual purpose দ্বৈত উদ্দেশ্য
  • Dual role দ্বৈত ভূমিকা
  • Dual citizenship দ্বৈত নাগরিকত্ব

Usage Notes

  • 'Dual' implies a pairing or twofold nature of something. 'Dual' কোনো কিছুর pairing বা twofold nature imply করে।
  • Used across various contexts to describe things with two components or characteristics. বিভিন্ন contexts এ দুটি components বা characteristics সহ জিনিস describe করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Word Category

Pairs, Duality, Twofold জোড়া, দ্বৈততা, দ্বিগুণ



Sounds like

The best of both worlds. (dual advantages)

- Common idiom

The best of both worlds। (dual advantages)

Two heads are better than one. (dual perspective)

- Common proverb

Two heads are better than one। (dual perspective)