Routes Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage


noun (plural)

পথ, রুট, পথসমূহ



From 'route' + '-s' (plural suffix)

More Translation

(Noun, plural) Courses or paths for travel from one place to another.

(Noun, plural) one place থেকে another তে travel এর জন্য Courses বা paths।

Navigation, travel

(Noun, plural) Established lines of travel or access.

(Noun, plural) travel বা access এর Established lines।

Transportation, logistics

There are several routes to the city center.

City center তে several routes আছে।

Bus routes are clearly marked on the map.

Bus routes map এ clearly marked।

Word Forms

Base Form






Common Mistakes

Pronouncing 'routes' as /ruːts/ instead of /raʊts/.

The standard pronunciation of 'routes' is /ruːts/, rhyming with 'boots'. The pronunciation /raʊts/ is less common and can be considered a mispronunciation.

/raʊts/ এর পরিবর্তে /ruːts/ হিসাবে 'routes' pronouncing করা। 'Routes' এর standard pronunciation হল /ruːts/, 'boots' এর সাথে rhyming। /raʊts/ pronunciation less common এবং একটি mispronunciation considered হতে পারে।

Using 'routes' only for physical paths.

While commonly physical paths, 'routes' can also refer to abstract paths like data routes on the internet, career routes, or even routes to solutions in problem-solving. Understand the broader application beyond just physical travel.

শুধুমাত্র physical paths এর জন্য 'routes' ব্যবহার করা। Commonly physical paths হলেও, 'routes' also abstract paths like internet on data routes, career routes, বা even problem-solving এ solutions to routes উল্লেখ করতে পারে। Just physical travel beyond broader application Understand করুন।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • Bus routes বাস রুট
  • Train routes ট্রেন রুট
  • Flight routes ফ্লাইট রুট
  • Scenic routes সুন্দর পথ
  • Alternative routes বিকল্প পথ

Usage Notes

  • Plural form 'routes' is used when referring to multiple paths or options for travel. Plural form 'routes' multiple paths বা travel এর জন্য options referring করার সময় used হয়।
  • Can be used for physical paths (roads, trails) or abstract paths (data routes, career routes). Physical paths (roads, trails) বা abstract paths (data routes, career routes) এর জন্য used হতে পারে।

Word Category

path, way, direction, navigation, transportation, geography পথ, রাস্তা, দিকনির্দেশ, নেভিগেশন, পরিবহন, ভূগোল



Sounds like

Not all those who wander are lost.

- J.R.R. Tolkien

Not all those who wander are lost।

Life is a journey, not a destination.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life একটি journey, not a destination।