verb (past participle/past tense)/adjectiveবাঁধা, বাঁধা ছিল, সম্পর্কযুক্ত
From 'tie' + '-ed'
(Verb, past participle/past tense) Fastened or secured with string, rope, etc.
(Verb, past participle/past tense) etc. rope, string with secured বা Fastened।
Fastening, securing(Adjective) Connected or linked; related.
(Adjective) related; linked বা Connected।
Connection, relationship(Verb, past participle/past tense) Achieved the same score or result in a competition; equal.
(Verb, past participle/past tense) equal; a competition in result বা score same Achieved।
Equality, competition(Adjective) In a state of equality in score or result.
(Adjective) result বা score in equality of state In।
Equality, competition outcomeThe package was tied with a ribbon.
Package টি একটি ribbon with tied ছিল।
These issues are tied to economic policy.
These issues economic policy to tied হয়।
The game ended tied at 2-2.
Game টি 2-2 at tied ended হয়েছে।
It's a tied game, very exciting!
It's a tied game, very exciting!
Word Forms
Base Form
will tie
Common Mistakes
Using 'tied' only for physical fastening.
While physical fastening is a meaning, 'tied' also describes connections, relationships, and equality in scores. Be aware of the context to understand if it's physical, relational, or competitive.
শুধুমাত্র physical fastening এর জন্য 'tied' ব্যবহার করা। Physical fastening একটি meaning হলেও, 'tied' also connections, relationships, এবং scores in equality describe করে। It's physical, relational, বা competitive কিনা understand করতে context about aware থাকুন।
Confusing 'tied' with 'tired'.
'Tied' (pronounced /taɪd/) means fastened or equal. 'Tired' (pronounced /ˈtaɪərd/) means feeling weary or in need of rest. They sound similar but have completely different meanings and spellings. Pay attention to pronunciation and spelling to differentiate.
'Tied' কে 'tired' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Tied' (pronounced /taɪd/) fastened বা equal mean করে। 'Tired' (pronounced /ˈtaɪərd/) rest of need in বা weary feeling mean করে। They similar sound তবে completely different meanings এবং spellings আছে। Differentiate করতে pronunciation এবং spelling তে pay attention করুন।
AI Suggestions
- Interdependence পরস্পর নির্ভরতা
- Correlations সহसंबंध
- Competitive balance প্রতিযোগিতামূলক ভারসাম্য
- Restraints সংযম
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Tied to সাথে বাঁধা
- Closely tied ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে বাঁধা
- Tied score বাঁধা স্কোর
- Tied game বাঁধা খেলা
- Tied up বেঁধে রাখা
Usage Notes
- Multiple meanings depending on context: physical fastening, relationships, or equal scores. Context depending Multiple meanings: physical fastening, relationships, বা equal scores।
- Common in discussions of sports, relationships, and physical objects. Sports, relationships, এবং physical objects of discussions এ Common।
Word Category
connection, relationship, fastening, equality, competition, constraint সংযোগ, সম্পর্ক, বেঁধে দেওয়া, সমতা, প্রতিযোগিতা, সীমাবদ্ধতা
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
No man একটি island, itself of entire is; every man continent of a piece is, a main of part।
We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came.
We ocean to tied হয়। And when we sea to back go, whether it is sail to বা watch to - we whence we came from back going are।