Alt Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage


noun/adjective/verb (abbreviation)

অল্টারনেটিভ, অল্টারনেট, অল্টার



Abbreviation of 'alternative', 'alternate', 'altitude', etc.

More Translation

(Noun, abbreviation for 'alternative') One of two or more available possibilities.

(Noun, 'alternative' এর abbreviation এর জন্য) two or more available possibilities এর one।

Choice, option

(Adjective, abbreviation for 'alternate') Every other; in turns.

(Adjective, 'alternate' এর abbreviation এর জন্য) Every other; in turns।

Sequence, arrangement

(Noun, abbreviation for 'altitude') The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.

(Noun, 'altitude' এর abbreviation এর জন্য) sea level বা ground level এর relation এ একটি object বা point এর height।

Geography, measurement

(Noun, in computing) The Alt key on a keyboard.

(Noun, computing এ) একটি keyboard এ Alt key।

Computing, keyboard

Is there an alt plan?

Is there an alt plan আছে?

We meet on alt weeks.

আমরা alt weeks এ meet করি।

The plane flew at a high alt.

Plane টি একটি high alt এ flew করেছে।

Press Alt + Tab.

Alt + Tab press করুন।

Word Forms

Base Form


Common Mistakes

Using 'alt' in formal contexts without clarification.

'Alt' is informal. In formal writing, use the full word (e.g., alternative, alternate, altitude) or define the abbreviation if it's necessary to use it repeatedly.

Clarification ছাড়া formal contexts এ 'alt' ব্যবহার করা। 'Alt' informal। Formal writing এ, full word (e.g., alternative, alternate, altitude) ব্যবহার করুন বা abbreviation define করুন যদি repeatedly it use করা necessary হয়।

Assuming 'alt' always refers to the 'Alt key'.

While 'Alt key' is a common association, 'alt' can abbreviate other words. Context is crucial to determine the intended meaning.

ধরে নেওয়া যে 'alt' সর্বদা 'Alt key' উল্লেখ করে। 'Alt key' একটি common association হলেও, 'alt' other words abbreviate করতে পারে। Intended meaning determine করতে Context crucial।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 5 out of 10


  • Alt key Alt key
  • Alt route Alt route
  • High alt High alt
  • Alt rock Alt rock
  • Alt medicine Alt medicine

Usage Notes

  • Like 'comp', 'alt' is informal and context-dependent. Meaning should be clear from the situation. 'Comp' এর মতো, 'alt' informal এবং context-dependent। Meaning situation থেকে clear হওয়া উচিত।
  • In computing, 'Alt' specifically refers to the 'Alt key'. Computing এ, 'Alt' specifically 'Alt key' উল্লেখ করে।

Word Category

abbreviation, technology, options, general সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ, প্রযুক্তি, বিকল্প, সাধারণ



Sounds like

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

- Helen Keller

When happiness এর one door closes, another opens; তবে প্রায়শই আমরা closed door এ এত long look করি যে we do not see the one যা আমাদের জন্য opened হয়েছে।

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

- Maya Angelou

If you don't like something, change it। If you can't change it, আপনার attitude change করুন।