nounঅধিকার, দখল, সম্পত্তি, অধিকারভুক্ত বস্তু
from Latin 'possessionem' meaning 'a possessing'
The state of having, owning, or controlling something.
কিছু থাকা, মালিক হওয়া, বা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার state।
Ownership/ControlSomething owned or possessed.
মালিকানাধীন বা possessed কিছু।
Property/ObjectThe fact of controlling or being controlled by a spirit, emotion, etc.
Spirit, emotion ইত্যাদি দ্বারা controlled করা বা being controlled করার fact।
Spiritual/Emotional ControlThe house is in their possession.
House টি তাদের possession-এ আছে।
His possessions were few but valuable.
His possessions অল্প ছিল কিন্তু valuable।
She claimed to be under demonic possession.
তিনি demonic possession-এর অধীনে থাকার claim করেছিলেন।
Word Forms
Base Form
Common Mistakes
Confusing 'possession' with 'ownership'.
'Possession' refers to the physical control or holding of something, while 'ownership' refers to the legal right to something. You can be in possession of something without ownership.
Bangla translation not available.
Using 'possessions' to refer to abstract qualities.
'Possessions' typically refers to tangible, owned items. For abstract qualities, use nouns like 'qualities', 'attributes', or 'characteristics', not 'possessions'.
Bangla translation not available.
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Personal possession Personal possession
- In possession of -এর possession-এ
Usage Notes
- Can refer to physical objects, rights, qualities, and states of being. Physical objects, rights, qualities, এবং being এর states reference করতে পারে।
- Often used in legal, financial, and spiritual contexts. প্রায়শই legal, financial, এবং spiritual contexts-এ ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Word Category
ownership, property, state মালিকানা, সম্পত্তি, অবস্থা
- Loss ক্ষতি
- Lack অভাব
- Absence অনুপস্থিতি
- Deprivation বঞ্চনা
The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.
অন্য কোনো happiness-এর জন্য health sacrifice করাই হল greatest of follies।
We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse.
আমরা যা দেই তার মাধ্যমেই কেবল rich, এবং যা refuse করি তার মাধ্যমেই কেবল poor।