Webster Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage


proper noun/common noun




Surname derived from Old English 'webbestre' meaning 'female weaver'

More Translation

A common English surname.

একটি common English surname।


Referring to Noah Webster, especially his dictionaries.

Noah Webster কে refer করা, বিশেষভাবে তার dictionaries।


Mr. Webster is a respected member of our community.

Mr. Webster আমাদের community এর একজন respected member।

Look it up in Webster's Dictionary.

Webster's Dictionary তে এটা look up করুন।

Word Forms

Base Form




Common Mistakes

Assuming 'Webster' always refers to the dictionary.

'Webster' is also a common surname. Context is needed to determine if it refers to a person or a dictionary.

'Webster' সর্বদা dictionary কে refer করে assume করা। 'Webster' একটি common surname ও। Person নাকি dictionary refer করছে তা determine করতে Context দরকার।

Misspelling 'Webster' as 'Webbster' or 'Web ster'.

The correct spelling is 'Webster', one word, starting with 'Web'.

সঠিক বানান হল 'Webster', একটি word, 'Web' দিয়ে শুরু।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 3 out of 10


  • Webster's Dictionary Webster's Dictionary
  • Noah Webster Noah Webster

Usage Notes

  • Can refer to a person's surname or specifically to Noah Webster and his works, particularly his dictionaries. একটি person এর surname বা specifically Noah Webster এবং তার works, particularly তার dictionaries, refer করতে পারে।
  • When used in lowercase ('webster'), it may informally refer to any dictionary, though this usage is less common. Lowercase এ ব্যবহৃত হলে ('webster'), এটি informally যেকোনো dictionary refer করতে পারে, যদিও এই usage less common।

Word Category

names, reference নাম, સંદર્ભ



Sounds like

Consult Webster for the proper definition.

- Usage Guide

Proper definition এর জন্য Webster এর সাথে consult করুন।

Webster's legacy is in the words we use every day.

- Literary Historian

Webster's legacy হল words যা আমরা every day use করি।