Usd Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



মার্কিন ডলার (USD)



Abbreviation for 'United States Dollar'.

More Translation

United States Dollar; the currency of the United States of America.

United States Dollar; United States of America এর currency।

Currency, Finance

The price is listed in USD.

Price USD এ listed করা হয়েছে।

The exchange rate is 1 USD to 80 INR.

Exchange rate হল 1 USD থেকে 80 INR।

Word Forms

Base Form


Common Mistakes

Misspelling as 'Usd' or 'USDollar'.

The correct abbreviation is 'USD' in uppercase, without spaces or additional words.

ভুল বানান 'Usd' বা 'USDollar'। সঠিক abbreviation হল uppercase এ 'USD', spaces বা additional words ছাড়া।

Using 'dollars' when 'USD' is more appropriate in financial contexts.

In formal financial contexts, 'USD' is preferred over 'dollars' to clearly denote United States Dollar.

Formal financial contexts এ, United States Dollar clearly denote করতে 'dollars' এর চেয়ে 'USD' preferred।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 6 out of 10


  • USD exchange rate USD বিনিময় হার
  • USD to EUR USD থেকে EUR
  • Millions of USD Millions of USD

Usage Notes

  • 'USD' is universally recognized as the currency code for the United States Dollar in finance and global trade. 'USD' universally finance এবং global trade এ United States Dollar এর জন্য currency code হিসাবে recognized।
  • Often used in financial contexts, international transactions, and economic reporting. প্রায়শই financial contexts, international transactions, এবং economic reporting এ ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Word Category

Currency, Finance, Economics মুদ্রা, ফিনান্স, অর্থনীতি



Sounds like

In God we trust, all others bring data. (USD in global finance)

- W. Edwards Deming (attributed)

In God we trust, all others bring data। (global finance এ USD)

Time is money. (USD as representation of monetary value)

- Benjamin Franklin

Time is money। (monetary value এর representation হিসাবে USD)