proper nounটেনেসি
Named after the Cherokee village of Tanasi.
A state in the southeastern region of the United States.
United States এর southeastern অঞ্চলে অবস্থিত একটি state।
GeographyNashville is the capital of Tennessee.
Nashville হল Tennessee এর রাজধানী।
Tennessee is known for its music and natural beauty.
Tennessee তার music এবং natural beauty এর জন্য পরিচিত।
Word Forms
Base Form
N/A (Proper noun)
Common Mistakes
Mispronouncing 'Tennessee'.
The correct pronunciation is /ˌtenəˈsiː/, with emphasis on the last syllable.
'Tennessee' ভুল pronunciation করা। সঠিক pronunciation হল /ˌtenəˈsiː/, last syllable এর উপর emphasis সহ।
Spelling it as 'Tenesse' or 'Tenessee'.
The correct spelling is 'Tennessee' with double 'n' and double 'e'.
Spelling 'Tenesse' বা 'Tenessee' লেখা। সঠিক spelling হল 'Tennessee' double 'n' এবং double 'e' সহ।
AI Suggestions
- US Geography US Geography
- State Names State Name সমূহ
Word Frequency
Frequency: 5 out of 10
- State of Tennessee State of Tennessee
- East Tennessee East Tennessee
Usage Notes
- Used as a proper noun to refer to the U.S. state. US state টি বোঝাতে proper noun হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
- Often associated with country music, blues, and barbecue. প্রায়শই country music, blues, এবং barbecue এর সাথে associated।
Word Category
Place names, US States স্থানের নাম, US State সমূহ
- Volunteer State (nickname) Volunteer State (ডাকনাম)
- N/A (Proper noun - place name) N/A (Proper noun - স্থানের নাম)