Probe Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



অনুসন্ধান করা, তদন্ত করা, প্রোব



From Latin 'probare' (to test, examine, prove), from Proto-Indo-European '*pro-bʰew-'' (to be in front, forward)

More Translation

(Verb) To physically explore or examine (something) with a tool or instrument.

(Verb) physically explore বা examine করতে (something) একটি tool বা instrument with।

Physical examination, investigation

(Verb) To inquire into or examine (something) thoroughly.

(Verb) thoroughly (something) examine বা into inquire করতে।

Investigation, inquiry

(Noun) A physical tool or instrument used for exploring or examining.

(Noun) exploring বা examining এর জন্য used একটি physical tool বা instrument।

Tool, instrument

(Noun) An investigation or inquiry.

(Noun) একটি investigation বা inquiry।

Investigation, inquiry

The doctor used a probe to examine the wound.

Doctor wound examine করতে একটি probe used করেছে।

Detectives are probing into the cause of the fire.

Detectives fire এর cause into probing করছে।

A space probe was sent to Mars.

A space probe Mars এ sent করা হয়েছে।

The government launched a probe into the scandal.

Government scandal into একটি probe launched করেছে।

Word Forms

Base Form







will probe







Common Mistakes

Using 'probe' only in a negative context like crime or scandals.

While 'probe' is used in investigations, it also applies to neutral or positive contexts like scientific exploration, medical examinations, and market research. It's about thorough examination, not inherently negative.

শুধুমাত্র crime বা scandals এর মতো negative context এ 'probe' ব্যবহার করা। Investigations এ 'probe' used হলেও, এটি neutral বা positive contexts এও applies like scientific exploration, medical examinations, এবং market research। It's thorough examination about, not inherently negative।

Confusing 'probe' with 'proof'.

'Probe' means to investigate or examine, it's a process of seeking information. 'Proof' is the evidence that confirms something is true. Probing may lead to proof, but they are not the same.

'Probe' কে 'proof' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Probe' investigate বা examine mean করে, it's information seeking এর একটি process। 'Proof' হল evidence যা something true তা confirms করে। Probing proof এ lead করতে পারে, তবে they same নয়।

AI Suggestions

  • Deep dive গভীর ডুব
  • Scrutinize পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খভাবে পরীক্ষা করা
  • Delve into গভীরভাবে অনুসন্ধান করা
  • Uncover উন্মোচন করা

Word Frequency

Frequency: 6 out of 10


  • Space probe মহাকাশ প্রোব
  • Surgical probe সার্জিক্যাল প্রোব
  • Investigative probe তদন্ত প্রোব
  • Probe deeply গভীরভাবে তদন্ত করা
  • Probe questions অনুসন্ধানী প্রশ্ন

Usage Notes

  • Used both literally for physical examination and figuratively for investigations. Physical examination এর জন্য literally এবং investigations এর জন্য figuratively both used হয়।
  • Implies a thorough and often careful or delicate examination. A thorough এবং often careful বা delicate examination implies করে।

Word Category

investigation, examination, inquiry, tool, science তদন্ত, পরীক্ষা, জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ, সরঞ্জাম, বিজ্ঞান


  • Investigate তদন্ত করা
  • Examine পরীক্ষা করা
  • Explore অনুসন্ধান করা
  • Inquire জিজ্ঞাসা করা
  • Inquiry জিজ্ঞাসা


Sounds like

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.

- Albert Einstein

The important thing হল questioning stop না করা। Curiosity এর existence এর জন্য its own reason আছে।

Seek and ye shall find.

- Bible

Seek and ye shall find।