Mounting Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage


verb (present participle)/noun/adjective

আরোহণ, বাড়ন্ত, স্থাপন



From 'mount' + '-ing'

More Translation

(Verb, present participle) Increasing gradually; rising.

(Verb, present participle) gradually Increasing; rising।

Increase, growth

(Verb, present participle) Getting up on something, especially an animal or a bicycle.

(Verb, present participle) something on up Getting, especially an animal বা a bicycle।

Ascent, riding

(Verb, present participle) Fixing something onto a support.

(Verb, present participle) একটি support onto something Fixing।

Installation, fixing

(Noun) The act of fixing something in place.

(Noun) place in something fixing এর act।

Installation, fixture

(Adjective) Gradually increasing.

(Adjective) Gradually increasing।

Increase, progressive

Pressure is mounting on the government to act.

Government act করতে pressure mounting হচ্ছে।

He was mounting his horse.

He his horse mounting করছিল।

They are mounting the new exhibit on the wall.

They wall on new exhibit mounting are।

The mounting of the camera took several hours.

Camera of mounting several hours took।

Mounting evidence suggests climate change is accelerating.

Mounting evidence suggests climate change accelerating is।

Word Forms

Base Form







will mount









Common Mistakes

Using 'mounting' only for increasing pressure or problems.

While 'mounting pressure' is common, 'mounting' has broader uses, including physical ascent (mounting a horse) and installation (wall mounting). Be aware of context to understand the intended meaning.

শুধুমাত্র pressure বা problems increasing এর জন্য 'mounting' ব্যবহার করা। 'Mounting pressure' common হলেও, 'mounting' broader uses আছে, including physical ascent (mounting a horse) এবং installation (wall mounting)। Intended meaning understand করতে context about aware থাকুন।

Confusing 'mounting' with 'mountainous'.

'Mounting' is the present participle of 'mount', indicating an action or gradual increase. 'Mountainous' is an adjective describing something that is like or full of mountains. They are related in root (from 'mount' - mountain) but have different meanings and uses.

'Mounting' কে 'mountainous' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Mounting' 'mount' এর present participle, an action বা gradual increase indicating। 'Mountainous' something describing একটি adjective যা mountains of like বা full। They root এ related ('mount' - mountain) তবে different meanings এবং uses আছে।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 6 out of 10


  • Mounting pressure বাড়ন্ত চাপ
  • Mounting evidence বাড়ন্ত প্রমাণ
  • Mounting concern বাড়ন্ত উদ্বেগ
  • Wall mounting ওয়াল মাউন্টিং
  • Camera mounting ক্যামেরা মাউন্টিং

Usage Notes

  • Used to describe gradual increases, physical ascent, or the act of fixing items. Gradual increases, physical ascent, বা items fixing এর act describe করতে Used হয়।
  • Context dependent meaning: increasing pressure, riding an animal, or installing equipment. Context dependent meaning: increasing pressure, an animal riding, বা equipment installing।

Word Category

increase, rise, growth, installation, support, ascent বৃদ্ধি, বৃদ্ধি, প্রবৃদ্ধি, ইনস্টলেশন, সমর্থন, আরোহণ



Sounds like

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

- Steve Jobs

The only way to do great work হল যা আপনি do করেন তা love করা।

Little by little, one travels far.

- Spanish Proverb

Little by little, one far travels।