adjectiveউষ্ণতম, সবচেয়ে গরম, উত্তপ্ত
superlative of 'hot', from Old English 'hāt'
Superlative of 'hot': having the highest degree of heat; very high in temperature.
'Hot' এর Superlative: highest degree of heat থাকা; temperature এ খুব high।
TemperatureMost intensely passionate or sexually attractive.
Most intensely passionate বা sexually attractive।
FigurativeJuly is usually the hottest month of the year.
জুলাই মাস সাধারণত বছরের hottest month।
That new song is the hottest track right now.
New song টি right now hottest track।
Word Forms
Base Form
Common Mistakes
Misspelling 'hottest' as 'hottes'.
The correct spelling is 'hottest' with two 't's.
সঠিক বানান হল 'hottest' দুটি 't' সহ।
Using 'hot' instead of 'hottest' when superlative degree is needed.
'Hottest' is the superlative form, use it when comparing among three or more and indicating the highest degree.
'Hottest' হল superlative form, তিনটি বা তার বেশি মধ্যে compare করার সময় এবং highest degree indicate করতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন।
AI Suggestions
- Extreme temperature Extreme তাপমাত্রা
- Peak popularity Peak popularity
Word Frequency
Frequency: 4 out of 10
- Hottest day Hottest day
- Hottest trend Hottest trend
Usage Notes
- Used to denote the maximum degree of heat, literally or figuratively. Literally বা figuratively heat এর maximum degree denote করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
- Commonly used in weather reports, fashion, and discussions of popularity. Weather reports, fashion, এবং popularity এর discussions এ commonly used।
Word Category
temperature, weather তাপমাত্রা, আবহাওয়া