Helen Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage


proper noun




From Greek 'Helénē' (Ἑλένη), of uncertain origin, possibly related to 'hḗlē' (ἡέλη) meaning 'sun ray, warmth, brightness'

More Translation

(Proper Noun) A female given name of Greek origin.

(Proper Noun) Greek origin এর একটি female given name।

Personal name

(Proper Noun) Helen of Troy, a figure in Greek mythology whose abduction sparked the Trojan War.

(Proper Noun) Helen of Troy, Greek mythology এ একটি figure whose abduction Trojan War sparked।

Mythology, history

(Proper Noun) Helen Keller, a famous American author, political activist, and lecturer.

(Proper Noun) Helen Keller, একটি famous American author, political activist, এবং lecturer।

History, famous person

My sister's name is Helen.

My sister এর name Helen।

The story of Helen of Troy is a classic myth.

Helen of Troy এর story একটি classic myth।

Helen Keller overcame deafness and blindness to inspire millions.

Helen Keller millions inspire করতে blindness এবং deafness overcome করেছে।

Word Forms

Base Form


Common Mistakes

Mispronouncing 'Helen'.

The correct pronunciation of 'Helen' is /ˈhɛlən/, with emphasis on the first syllable and a short 'e' sound as in 'hen'. Avoid pronouncing it as 'He-leen'.

'Helen' mispronouncing করা। 'Helen' এর correct pronunciation হল /ˈhɛlən/, first syllable তে emphasis with এবং 'hen' as 'e' sound short। 'He-leen' হিসাবে pronouncing avoid করুন।

Only associating 'Helen' with Helen of Troy.

While Helen of Troy is a famous figure, 'Helen' is also a common given name and associated with other notable figures like Helen Keller. Recognize the name's broader usage beyond mythology.

শুধুমাত্র Helen of Troy with 'Helen' associating করা। Helen of Troy একটি famous figure হলেও, 'Helen' also একটি common given name এবং Helen Keller এর মতো other notable figures with associated। Mythology beyond name's broader usage Recognize করুন।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 6 out of 10


  • Helen of Troy ট্রয়ের হেলেন
  • Helen Keller হেলেন কেলার
  • Aunt Helen খালা হেলেন
  • Cousin Helen চাচাতো বোন হেলেন
  • Meet Helen হেলেনের সাথে দেখা করুন

Usage Notes

  • A popular female name in many Western countries. Many Western countries এ একটি popular female name।
  • Often associated with beauty, light, and warmth due to possible etymological roots. Often beauty, light, এবং warmth সাথে associated due to possible etymological roots।

Word Category

name, person, mythology, beauty, history নাম, ব্যক্তি, পুরাণ, সৌন্দর্য, ইতিহাস



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    Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.

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    Beauty হল power; a smile its sword।

    The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

    - Helen Keller

    The only thing worse than being blind হল sight having but no vision।