Burden Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



ভার, বোঝা, দায়িত্ব



From Old English 'byrden', of Germanic origin; related to bear and birth

More Translation

(Noun) A load, especially a heavy one.

(Noun) একটি load, বিশেষ করে একটি heavy load।

Weight, physical load

(Noun) Something difficult to bear; a heavy responsibility.

(Noun) bear করা difficult something; একটি heavy responsibility।

Responsibility, difficulty

(Verb) To load heavily; weigh down.

(Verb) heavily load করা; weigh down করা।

Action, loading

(Verb) To trouble or weigh down (someone) with care, worry, etc.

(Verb) care, worry, etc. দিয়ে (কাউকে) trouble বা weigh down করা।

Emotional, figurative

He carried a heavy burden on his back.

সে তার back এ একটি heavy burden বহন করছিল।

The burden of responsibility weighed on her shoulders.

Responsibility এর burden তার shoulders এ weighed ছিল।

Don't burden yourself with unnecessary stress.

Unnecessary stress দিয়ে নিজেকে burden করবেন না।

The country is burdened by debt.

দেশটি debt দ্বারা burdened।

Word Forms

Base Form








Common Mistakes

Using 'burden' lightly for minor inconveniences.

'Burden' implies a significant weight or difficulty, not just a slight inconvenience. Use 'inconvenience' or 'trouble' for minor issues.

Minor inconveniences এর জন্য lightly 'burden' ব্যবহার করা। 'Burden' একটি significant weight বা difficulty imply করে, শুধু slight inconvenience নয়। Minor issues এর জন্য 'inconvenience' বা 'trouble' ব্যবহার করুন।

Confusing 'burden' with 'responsibility' in all contexts.

While 'burden' can mean responsibility, it emphasizes the heavy or oppressive aspect of it. 'Responsibility' is more neutral.

সমস্ত contexts এ 'burden' কে 'responsibility' এর সাথে বিভ্রান্ত করা। 'Burden' responsibility বোঝাতে পারলেও, এটি এর heavy বা oppressive aspect এর উপর emphasize করে। 'Responsibility' আরও neutral।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • Heavy burden Heavy burden
  • Financial burden Financial burden
  • Emotional burden Emotional burden
  • Burden of proof Burden of proof

Usage Notes

  • Used both literally for physical loads and figuratively for emotional or abstract weights. Literally physical loads এর জন্য এবং figuratively emotional বা abstract weights এর জন্য উভয়ই ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • Implies something heavy, difficult, or oppressive. Heavy, difficult, বা oppressive something imply করে।

Word Category

weight, responsibility, difficulty ভার, দায়িত্ব, অসুবিধা



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We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

- Jim Rohn

আমাদের সবাইকে দুটি জিনিসের মধ্যে একটি suffer করতে হবে: discipline এর pain অথবা regret এর pain।

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Any other kind of happiness এর জন্য health sacrifice করা হল follies এর মধ্যে greatest।