nounশরৎ, হেমন্ত
From Old French 'automne', from Latin 'autumnus'
(Noun) The season after summer and before winter, in the northern hemisphere from September to November, and in the southern hemisphere from March to May.
(Noun) summer এর after এবং winter এর before season, northern hemisphere এ September থেকে November পর্যন্ত, এবং southern hemisphere এ March থেকে May পর্যন্ত।
Season, time of yearAutumn is my favorite season.
Autumn আমার favorite season।
The leaves change color in autumn.
Leaves autumn এ color change করে।
Word Forms
Base Form
Common Mistakes
Confusing 'autumn' with 'winter'.
'Autumn' is the season between summer and winter, characterized by falling leaves and cooler weather. 'Winter' is the coldest season, following autumn.
'Autumn' কে 'winter' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Autumn' summer এবং winter এর between season, falling leaves এবং cooler weather দ্বারা characterized। 'Winter' coldest season, autumn following।
Not knowing 'fall' is a synonym for 'autumn'.
'Autumn' and 'fall' are synonyms referring to the same season. 'Fall' is more commonly used in American English, while 'autumn' is common in British English and more formal contexts.
'Fall' 'autumn' এর জন্য একটি synonym তা not knowing করা। 'Autumn' এবং 'fall' same season referring synonyms। 'Fall' American English এ more commonly used, যেখানে 'autumn' British English এ common এবং more formal contexts।
AI Suggestions
- Fall foliage শরৎকালীন পাতা
- Autumnal শারদীয়
- Crisp air তাজা বাতাস
- Changing seasons ঋতু পরিবর্তন
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Autumn leaves শরতের পাতা
- Autumn colors শরতের রং
- Autumn weather শরৎ আবহাওয়া
- Autumn harvest শরৎ ফসল
- Autumn festival শরৎ উত্সব
Usage Notes
- Also known as 'fall' in American English. American English এ 'fall' হিসাবেও known।
- Characterized by cooler temperatures, changing leaf colors, and harvests. Cooler temperatures, changing leaf colors, এবং harvests দ্বারা Characterized।
Word Category
season, time, nature, weather ঋতু, সময়, প্রকৃতি, আবহাওয়া
- Fall পতন
- Harvest time ফসল কাটার সময়
- Autumn season শরৎকাল
- Fall season ফল সিজন
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
Autumn একটি second spring যখন every leaf একটি flower।
Delicious days of autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
Delicious days of autumn! My very soul it তে wedded, এবং if I were a bird আমি successive autumns seeking earth about fly করতাম।