adjectiveস্পষ্ট, আপাত, দৃশ্যমান
From Latin 'apparens' (appearing, visible), present participle of 'apparere' (to appear), from 'ad-' (to) + 'parere' (to come forth, be visible)
(Adjective) Clearly visible or understood; obvious.
(Adjective) Clearly visible বা understood; obvious।
Visibility, obviousness(Adjective) Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so; ostensible.
(Adjective) real বা true Seeming, তবে necessarily so নয়; ostensible।
Perception, surface levelIt was apparent that she was tired.
It was apparent যে she was tired।
His apparent enthusiasm was misleading.
His apparent enthusiasm misleading ছিল।
Word Forms
Base Form
Common Mistakes
Using 'apparent' only to mean 'obvious' and overlooking its 'seeming' meaning.
'Apparent' has two main senses: 'clearly obvious' and 'seeming but not necessarily real'. Be aware of both meanings and use context to clarify.
শুধুমাত্র 'obvious' mean করতে 'apparent' ব্যবহার করা এবং its 'seeming' meaning overlooking করা। 'Apparent' এর two main senses আছে: 'clearly obvious' এবং 'seeming but not necessarily real'। Both meanings সম্পর্কে aware থাকুন এবং context use করে clarify করুন।
Confusing 'apparent' with 'transparent'.
'Apparent' means easily seen or understood, while 'transparent' means allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. They are not interchangeable.
'Apparent' কে 'transparent' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Apparent' easily seen বা understood mean করে, যেখানে 'transparent' light pass through করতে allowing করে যাতে objects behind can be distinctly seen। They interchangeable নয়।
AI Suggestions
- Manifest প্রকাশ করা
- Evidentiary সাক্ষ্যমূলক
- Plausible বিশ্বাসযোগ্য
- Superficial ভাসা ভাসা
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Apparent reason Apparent reason
- Apparent cause Apparent cause
- Apparent lack Apparent lack
- Apparent contradiction Apparent contradiction
- Apparent success Apparent success
Usage Notes
- Can indicate something is obviously true or just seems to be true. Something obviously true বা just true seem হয় তা indicate করতে পারে।
- Often used to describe something that is evident to the senses or to the mind. প্রায়শই something describe করতে used হয় যা senses বা mind তে evident।
Word Category
visibility, obviousness, perception দৃশ্যমানতা, স্পষ্টতা, উপলব্ধি
- Obvious স্পষ্ট
- Evident প্রকাশ্য
- Clear পরিষ্কার
- Seeming দৃশ্যমান
- Ostensible প্রদর্শনযোগ্য
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
The truth rarely pure এবং never simple।
Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.
Things always what they seem নয়; the first appearance many deceives করে; a few এর intelligence carefully hidden what has been তা perceives করে।