Accuracy Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



সঠিকতা, নির্ভুলতা



From French 'accuracie', from Late Latin 'accuratia'.

More Translation

The quality or state of being correct or precise.

Correct বা precise হওয়ার quality বা state।

General Use, Precision

The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or standard.

Degree যার extent পর্যন্ত measurement, calculation, বা specification এর result correct value বা standard এর সাথে conform করে।

Measurement, Calculation, Standards

We need to ensure the accuracy of the data.

আমাদের data এর accuracy ensure করতে হবে।

The accuracy of the clock is remarkable.

Clock এর accuracy remarkable।

Word Forms

Base Form






Common Mistakes

Misspelling as 'Accuraccy' or 'Acuracy'.

The correct spelling is 'accuracy' with double 'c' and 'acy' at the end.

ভুল বানান 'Accuraccy' বা 'Acuracy'। সঠিক বানানটি হল 'accuracy' double 'c' এবং শেষে 'acy' সহ।

Confusing with 'precision'.

'Accuracy' refers to correctness, while 'precision' refers to the level of detail and exactness. Use them appropriately based on context.

'Accuracy' correctness refer করে, যখন 'precision' detail এবং exactness এর level refer করে। Context এর ভিত্তিতে তাদের appropriately ব্যবহার করুন।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • High accuracy উচ্চ নির্ভুলতা
  • Great accuracy মহান নির্ভুলতা
  • Verify accuracy সঠিকতা যাচাই করুন

Usage Notes

  • 'Accuracy' is crucial in fields like science, technology, and finance, where precision is vital. 'Accuracy' science, technology, এবং finance এর মতো fields এ crucial, যেখানে precision vital।
  • Often contrasted with 'precision', where 'accuracy' means correctness and 'precision' means detail and exactness. প্রায়শই 'precision' এর সাথে contrasted, যেখানে 'accuracy' মানে correctness এবং 'precision' মানে detail এবং exactness।

Word Category

Precision, Correctness, Exactness যথার্থতা, সঠিকতা, যথাযথতা



Sounds like

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. (accuracy in assessment)

- Albert Einstein (attributed)

Genius এবং stupidity এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য হল genius এর limits আছে। (assessment এ accuracy)

To be or not to be, that is the question. (accuracy in decision making)

- William Shakespeare

To be or not to be, that is the question। (decision making এ accuracy)