Zones Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



জোন, অঞ্চল, এলাকা



From Late Latin 'zona', from Greek 'zōnē' meaning 'girdle, belt'

More Translation

(Noun) An area or region distinguished from others by some characteristic or purpose.

(Noun) একটি area বা region যা কিছু characteristic বা purpose দ্বারা অন্যদের থেকে distinguished।

Geography, area

(Verb) To divide an area into zones subject to particular restrictions or uses.

(Verb) একটি area কে particular restrictions বা uses এর subject zones এ divide করা।

Urban planning, regulation

(Informal, Noun) A state of mind where one is not fully aware of their surroundings.

(Informal, Noun) state of mind যেখানে কেউ তাদের surroundings সম্পর্কে fully aware নয়।

Informal, mental state

This area is a no-parking zone.

এই area টি একটি no-parking zone।

The city is zoned for residential and commercial use.

City টি residential এবং commercial use এর জন্য zoned।

He was in the zone while playing the game.

Game খেলার সময় সে zone এ ছিল।

Word Forms

Base Form








Common Mistakes

Using 'zone' only in geographical context.

'Zone' has various meanings, including time zones, comfort zones, and mental states. Context dictates the meaning.

শুধুমাত্র geographical context এ 'zone' ব্যবহার করা। 'Zone' এর various meanings আছে, including time zones, comfort zones, এবং mental states। Context meaning dictate করে।

Misunderstanding 'in the zone' idiom.

'In the zone' is an idiom for being highly focused, not literally being in a geographical zone. It's about mental state.

'In the zone' idiom ভুল বোঝা। 'In the zone' highly focused হওয়ার জন্য একটি idiom, literally geographical zone এ being নয়। এটি mental state সম্পর্কে।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • War zone War zone
  • Time zone Time zone
  • Comfort zone Comfort zone
  • Danger zone Danger zone
  • Free zone Free zone

Usage Notes

  • Meaning ranges from geographical areas to mental states, context is key. Meaning geographical areas থেকে mental states পর্যন্ত range করে, context key।
  • Common in urban planning, geography, and informal speech. Urban planning, geography, এবং informal speech এ common।

Word Category

area, region, geography এলাকা, অঞ্চল, ভূগোল



Sounds like

Know thyself.

- Socrates

নিজেকে জানো।

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tomorrow এর realization এর জন্য আমাদের একমাত্র limit হবে today এর আমাদের doubts।