verb (past participle/past tense)/adjectiveভর্তি, বোঝাই করা, ঠাসা
From 'pack' + '-ed'
(Verb, past participle/past tense) Filled to capacity; tightly compressed.
(Verb, past participle/past tense) capacity তে Filled; tightly compressed।
Full, crowded(Adjective) Crowded with people or things.
(Adjective) people বা things with Crowded।
Crowded, busy(Verb, past participle/past tense) Organized and arranged items into a container for storage or transport.
(Verb, past participle/past tense) storage বা transport এর জন্য একটি container into items arranged এবং Organized।
Organized, storage, travelThe stadium was packed with fans.
Stadium টি fans with packed ছিল।
It was a packed train, and we had to stand.
It একটি packed train ছিল, এবং we had to stand।
She packed her suitcase for the trip.
She trip এর জন্য her suitcase packed করেছে।
Word Forms
Base Form
will pack
Common Mistakes
Using 'packed' only for physical spaces.
While often used for physical spaces, 'packed' can also describe schedules, agendas, or even emotions that are full or intense. Recognize its broader application beyond just physical containers.
শুধুমাত্র physical spaces এর জন্য 'packed' ব্যবহার করা। Often physical spaces এর জন্য used হলেও, 'packed' also schedules, agendas, বা even emotions describe করতে পারে যা full বা intense। Just physical containers beyond its broader application Recognize করুন।
Confusing 'packed' with simply 'full'.
'Packed' implies a higher degree of fullness than 'full'. 'Packed' suggests being filled to capacity, often tightly or densely, whereas 'full' can be less intense. 'Packed' emphasizes the density and completeness of filling.
Simply 'full' with 'packed' confusing করা। 'Packed' 'full' than fullness এর একটি higher degree implies করে। 'Packed' capacity তে filled being suggests, often tightly বা densely, whereas 'full' less intense হতে পারে। 'Packed' filling এর density এবং completeness emphasizes করে।
AI Suggestions
- Overcrowding অতিরিক্ত ভিড়
- Capacity limits ধারণক্ষমতা সীমা
- Space management স্থান ব্যবস্থাপনা
- Travel planning ভ্রমণ পরিকল্পনা
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Packed stadium ঠাসা স্টেডিয়াম
- Packed train ঠাসা ট্রেন
- Packed schedule ঠাসা সময়সূচী
- Packed lunch প্যাক করা দুপুরের খাবার
- Packed suitcase ঠাসা স্যুটকেস
Usage Notes
- Used to describe spaces, containers, or schedules that are very full. Spaces, containers, বা schedules describe করতে used যা very full।
- Can refer to physical fullness or a schedule filled with activities. Physical fullness বা activities with filled একটি schedule refer করতে পারে।
Word Category
full, crowded, compressed, organized, travel, storage পূর্ণ, জনাকীর্ণ, সংকুচিত, সংগঠিত, ভ্রমণ, স্টোরেজ