adjective/verb (past participle/past tense)ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ, সুষম, স্থিতিশীল
From 'balance' + '-ed'
(Adjective) Keeping or showing a satisfactory arrangement or proportion of different things.
(Adjective) different things of proportion বা satisfactory arrangement showing বা Keeping।
Proportion, arrangement(Adjective) Steady; not likely to fall.
(Adjective) fall likely not; Steady।
Stability, equilibrium(Verb, past participle/past tense) Kept in equilibrium; made proportionate or harmonious.
(Verb, past participle/past tense) harmonious বা proportionate made; equilibrium in Kept।
Equilibrium, harmonyShe eats a balanced diet.
She a balanced diet eats।
The glass was balanced precariously on the edge.
Glass টি edge on precariously balanced ছিল।
The budget was carefully balanced to avoid deficit.
Budget টি deficit avoid to carefully balanced ছিল।
Word Forms
Base Form
will balance
Common Mistakes
Using 'balanced' only for physical balance.
While physical balance is a meaning, 'balanced' is widely used for diets, budgets, viewpoints, and lifestyles. Recognize its application beyond just physical steadiness to encompass proportion and harmony in various contexts.
শুধুমাত্র physical balance এর জন্য 'balanced' ব্যবহার করা। Physical balance একটি meaning হলেও, 'balanced' diets, budgets, viewpoints, এবং lifestyles এর জন্য widely used। Various contexts in harmony এবং proportion encompass to just physical steadiness beyond its application Recognize করুন।
Confusing 'balanced' with 'average'.
'Balanced' means having good proportion and equilibrium. 'Average' means typical or normal. 'Balanced' implies intentional arrangement for fairness or stability; 'average' is about statistical norm. They are not interchangeable.
'Balanced' কে 'average' এর সাথে confusing করা। 'Balanced' equilibrium এবং good proportion having mean করে। 'Average' normal বা typical mean করে। 'Balanced' stability বা fairness জন্য intentional arrangement implies করে; 'average' statistical norm about is। They interchangeable not are।
AI Suggestions
- Risk assessment ঝুঁকি মূল্যায়ন
- Diet planning খাদ্য পরিকল্পনা
- Financial planning আর্থিক পরিকল্পনা
- Work-life balance কর্ম-জীবন ভারসাম্য
Word Frequency
Frequency: 7 out of 10
- Balanced diet ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ খাদ্য
- Balanced budget ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ বাজেট
- Balanced view ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ দৃশ্য
- Balanced approach ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ পদ্ধতি
- Well-balanced সু-ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ
Usage Notes
- Used to describe physical stability, diets, budgets, and abstract concepts requiring equilibrium. Physical stability, diets, budgets, এবং equilibrium requiring abstract concepts describe করতে Used হয়।
- Implies fairness, stability, and good proportion in various contexts. Various contexts in good proportion এবং stability, fairness implies করে।
Word Category
equilibrium, stability, proportion, harmony, fairness, diet ভারসাম্য, স্থিতিশীলতা, অনুপাত, সাদৃশ্য, ন্যায্যতা, খাদ্য
- Equitable সদয়
- Stable স্থিতিশীল
- Proportionate সমানুপাতিক
- Harmonious সুরের
- Even এমনকি
- Unbalanced অসমতুল্য
- Unstable অস্থির
- Disproportionate অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ
- Biased পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট
- Uneven অমসৃণ
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Life একটি bicycle riding like is। Your balance keep করতে, you moving keep must।
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
Happiness balance of but intensity of a matter not is, harmony and rhythm, order।