Chef Meaning in Bengali | Definition, Pronunciation & Usage



শেফ, রাঁধুনি, বাবুর্চি



From French 'chef de cuisine', meaning 'chief of the kitchen'

More Translation

A professional cook, especially the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel.

একজন professional cook, বিশেষ করে একটি restaurant বা hotel এ chief cook।

Culinary, professional

The chef prepared a delicious meal.

Chef একটি delicious meal prepare করেছেন।

He is a renowned chef in the city.

সে city তে একজন renowned chef।

Word Forms

Base Form




Common Mistakes

Using 'chef' and 'cook' interchangeably in all contexts.

While 'chef' is a type of 'cook', 'chef' implies a higher level of training, expertise, and often leadership in a professional kitchen. 'Cook' is more general.

সমস্ত contexts এ 'chef' এবং 'cook' interchangeably ব্যবহার করা। 'Chef' 'cook' এর একটি type হলেও, 'chef' একটি higher level of training, expertise, এবং প্রায়শই professional kitchen এ leadership imply করে। 'Cook' আরও general।

Mispronouncing 'chef'.

The word 'chef' is pronounced /ʃef/, rhyming with 'ref', not /tʃef/ or similar to 'chief'.

'Chef' mispronouncing করা। 'Chef' শব্দটি /ʃef/ pronounce করা হয়, 'ref' এর সাথে rhyme করে, /tʃef/ বা 'chief' এর similar নয়।

AI Suggestions

Word Frequency

Frequency: 7 out of 10


  • Head chef Head chef
  • Executive chef Executive chef
  • Pastry chef Pastry chef
  • Celebrity chef Celebrity chef

Usage Notes

  • Specifically refers to trained and professional cooks, not home cooks. Specifically trained এবং professional cooks উল্লেখ করে, home cooks নয়।
  • Implies expertise and leadership in a kitchen setting. Kitchen setting এ expertise এবং leadership imply করে।

Word Category

cooking, profession, food service রান্না, পেশা, খাদ্য পরিষেবা



Sounds like

Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.

- Craig Claiborne

Cooking একই সাথে child's play এবং adult joy। এবং care নিয়ে cooking হল love এর একটি act।

People who love to eat are always the best people.

- Julia Child

People যারা eat করতে love করে তারা সবসময় best people হয়।